

My Expertise

Design Leadership

User Experience Strategy

Content Strategy

Creative Direction


My Design Toolkit

User Centered Design

Data Informed Design

Double Diamond

Agile and Lean Principles

Design Thinking

My Leadership Philosophy.

I base my effective leadership on these 3 principles:

  1. Authenticity
    • Authenticity fosters trust and respect among team members, crucial for building strong relationships and achieving common goals. I always admit my mistakes, stay transparent, and be myself around others.
  2. Diversity
    • Diversity fosters a positive and supportive work environment. I establish teams by considering diverse skill sets and cultural backgrounds. I’ve found that everyone has valuable contributions to make, from feedback and innovations to solving design problems.
  3. Commitment
    • Commitment fosters a sense of purpose and motivation among team members, essential for success. I am passionate about what I do and strive to inspire others to share my vision by achieving set goals and objectives.

My Strengths.

These are my top 5 strengths (via cliftonstrengths), which help me engage with teammates and cultivate a progressive culture:

  1. Futuristic
    • You are inspired by the future and what could be. You energize others with your visions of the future.
  2. Strategic
    • You create alternative ways to proceed. Faced with any given scenario, you can quickly spot the relevant patterns and issues.
  3. Relator
    • You enjoy close relationships with others. You find deep satisfaction in working hard with friends to achieve a goal.
  4. Achiever
    • You work hard and possess a great deal of stamina. You take immense satisfaction in being busy and productive.
  5. Context
    • You enjoy thinking about the past. You understand the present by researching its history

(Product Design Team Members, Blizzard Entertainment)


What do others say about my leadership?

David is an excellent UX Manager who brought our team together as a design leader. All interactions, from 1-on-1s to team meetings to Design ceremonies were introspective and forward thinking for both PADI’s Product Design and our careers as Designers. In the time I reported to David, I did some of the best work of my career with his support and mentorship and would honestly say he is an asset to both the individual designers he leads and the community he has built.

Every organization needs a David. His has a remarkable ability to develop and implement process, organize teams, and provide digital leadership in any industry. David’s willingness to break down problems and tasks with a sense of humor matched by his deep knowledge of digital sales and user experience makes him extremely valuable to any team and organization he joins.

Bridget Flanagan

Marketing Director

I had the honor of working under David’s guidance as my manager within the product design team at Blizzard Entertainment. His exemplary leadership is marked by a strategic and systematic approach, skillfully steering the product development process from ideation to flawless implementation. More than just a strategic leader, David serves as a mentor to each team member, nurturing a profound dedication to individual goals, achievements, and ongoing enhancement of skills in their respective areas. I wholeheartedly recommend David as an impeccable leader and strategic manager, always receptive to new ideas to ensure successful project delivery.

Lana Veldanova

Product Designer